

We love Christmas time – getting together with friends and family, massive feasts and constant snacking, drinking and eating sugary foods.

At such a festive time of the year it is easy to understand that mundane things such as caring for your teeth go out the window, nether or less the festive season is a prime time for teeth to run the risk of damage due to a high consumption of sweets, cookies mince pies, selection boxes, I could go on…..

So please forgive the Grinch but please take note

  1. Beware of too many Mince Pies, Christmas cake and pudding although it may satisfy millions of people after a traditional Christmas dinner, but one thing they do not satisfy is your tooth. They are all laden with dried fruit, which is high in sugar. These kinds of foods stick to teeth and cause the most damage, particularly if we’re gorging on them throughout Christmas Day and Boxing Day.
  2. The worst thing you can do is forgot about your oral hygiene on Christmas Day and Boxing Day. Teeth take a bit of hammering with all the chocolates, sugary foods and drinks and the alcohol consumed over the festive period.
  3. Say Cheese! – Cheese is great for the teeth and helps return the mouth to its natural balance and help reduce the chances of developing tooth decay. That’s why cheeseboards after the main meal are a great idea.
  4. Always use a bottle opener. During the numerous parties you will be attending during the Christmas period, it is highly likely that someone will be there who decides that opening a bottle with their teeth rather than a bottle opener is a great party trick.  Opening a bottle, packet of crisps or anything else with your teeth can be extremely damaging.
  5. Cut back on the toffees and hard sweets, which are out and about in full force at Christmas as they can pull out fillings as well as getting stuck between your teeth. These aren’t easily rinsed away as sugars.  You could swap for melt in the mouth treats like pralines.
  6. Moderation is definitely the most important thing to remember. In order to ensure you fully enjoy this time of year without having to compromise on what you eat and drink, bear in mind it is not how much sugary food and drink you have, it is how often you have them that causes a perilous for oral health.  It’s ok to say no to that extra sweet as the tin comes round, or have a glass of milk instead of one last glass of fizz.

Remember teeth are under attack for up to one hour after eating and drinking, and if you think about how much is consumed, how often, particularly over Christmas and Boxing Day, your teeth don’t really get the chance to recover!