Its not always about having the perfect smile, having flawless skin and the plumpest lips. For many people the health of their teeth and mouth is all that matters and that’s where we can help.
Yes we can give you Porcelain Veneers, Dental Implants and Cosmetic Dentures but we can also provide you with routine examination appointments, restorative dentistry and regular hygiene maintenance.
Saving Smiles Weedon and Rushden offers both NHS and Private dentistry giving the patient a right to choose the treatment best for them Some treatments are not available on the NHS, this is why Private dentistry is offered too as we believe in giving the patient all the treatment options available for their mouth.
What is General Dentistry?
General dentistry is the type of dentistry that everyone is familiar with. It is based on preventative dentistry providing regular 6 monthly check-ups as well as a scale and a polish if necessary and treatment when needed.
X-rays are taken as part of your examination but are usually only required every few years unless you are experiencing pain. Using these x-rays we can detect whether any fillings are needed as this is not always possible just by looking at the teeth. Should you need any fillings your Dentist can do this for you.
What treatments are covered in general dentistry?
Treatments include restorative treatments such as fillings, crown, bridges and dentures. Also Root Canal treatment, fissure sealants, tooth extractions and braces. Braces are only available when there is a clinical need for them.
How much am I expected to pay for treatment?
The fee for treatment varies. If the treatment you are having is available on the NHS then which Band the treatment falls in determines the fee. There are 3 treatment bands. Generally examinations, advice and planning of treatment, scale and polish and fissure sealants are Band 1. Root Canal treatments, tooth removal and fillings are Band 2 and Crowns, Bridges, Dentures and Braces are Band 3.
Your dentist can inform you which band your treatment falls in and the fee involved.
If you decide to have your treatment privately then the dentist will quote you for any treatment.
To register with our practice call 01327 342 412 for Weedon or 01933 312 992 for Rushden.