
No matter how much you hate coming to the Dentist and what plays on your mind the most is what do I need now and how much is this going to cost me? The cost of a life is priceless.

We come across patients who are diagnosed with gum and jaw cancer, found during an innocent but overdue check-up with the Dentist.

Some patients experience no pain or discomfort. Taking routine X-rays helps the Dentist check for abnormalities.

Please be selfish and look after yourselves, if the doctors wanted to see you every 3-6 months, then you wouldn’t bat an eyelid so why ignore your dental recalls? It could help save a life.

If you are worried about any discolouration or ulcers that won’t go then please book yourself a check-up with your local Dentist to ease your mind.

We are here to help

We are asking that you spread the word and tell all your friends and family as this could potentially save a life.

Call our reception team on 01327342412 or 01933312992 or book online today!